Starting the adventure with kindergarten is a very big change in the life of a toddler. It is necessary to properly prepare them for it. However, attending adaptation classes is not enough. You also need to take care of the layette. One of its indispensable elements are slippers. Wondering what model will work best for kindergarten? What kind of footwear for a kindergartener to choose? Find out more!

Did you know that the process of adaptation in the kindergarten already begins with the completion of the layette? Well, the moment of choosing things together and packing the backpack is a great opportunity to talk about what will happen in the new place. This, in turn, is the first step to slowly and in a homely, safe environment prepare the child for the upcoming changes and allow him to get used to them. What's more, buying new things, such as shoes for kindergarten, is also a good way to awaken the toddler's curiosity and excitement. They later help to let go of the parent's hand at the kindergarten door. However, finding the perfect slippers for a preschooler - ones in which your little one will happily start a new stage in his life - is not an easy task. To make it easier for you, we have prepared a short guide.

What kind of slippers to choose for kindergarten?

The child spends most of the day in slippers at the kindergarten, so you can not choose random slippers. Care should be taken to ensure that the shoes chosen are:

  • comfortable - reach for a model in the right size, so that it does not compress the toes or fall off the little feet. This will allow your child to run and play safely without the risk of chafing, irritation or serious injury,
  • ensured the proper development of the feet - opt for slippers for kindergarten for children, which have a properly contoured insole that guarantees proper support for the feet. This is a good way to prevent the development of postural defects and the formation of improper habits when walking. Remember that prevention is key! In addition, the right insole also means comfort when walking. As a result, you don't have to worry about developing painful flare-ups or corns,
  • guarantee free play and learning without discomfort - during activities on the carpet, both in class and at leisure, toddlers often change position - squatting, sitting, climbing on their toes, running, jumping and dancing. To ensure that the foot can work properly and freely at all times, provide your little one with slippers with flexible and soft soles that will move naturally and will not hinder the child from assuming a comfortable position during play and learning,
  • easy to put on and take off - in kindergarten, the teachers' priority is to teach the child to be independent. This applies both in the bathroom situation and when getting dressed. To make it easier for your little one to learn, reach for shoes that are easy to put on and pull off. The best models are those without laces, with a zipper, buckle or Velcro closure, and with a wide upper and/or a large, pull-out tongue.

Good footwear for a child for kindergarten should also be made of natural materials that will keep the feet comfortable and prevent excessive perspiration of the skin, and thus the formation of bad odor. Airy slippers for kindergarten will allow the child to feel more confident during group carpet activities, but not only. For more information on choosing slippers for your child, see our article titled. "Healthy and comfortable slippers for children".

Sandals, half-shoes or sneakers for kindergarten - which shoes are best?

Despite appearances, the way shoes are made is not everything. The cut of the shoes is also important, as it affects the freedom of movement, as well as the strain on the feet. In Tupu Tupu's offer you will find many different models of shoes that are designed for the youngest, but not all of them will work as shoes for kindergarten. For children, the best choice will be:

  • Sandals with fastenings around the ankle and covered toes - a good example are Emel Roczki shoes. This is an ideal choice especially for girls, but boys will also find something for themselves. The airy cut provides thermal comfort when walking, and the padded heel counter prevents accidental injuries. In addition, sandals for kindergarten are lightweight, so that the toddler will not complain about sore legs after a day spent, on the carpet,
  • Soft "slippers" for kindergarten made of 100% natural materials - you will find them, for example, among the proposals of the brand Ekotuptusie. This footwear is handmade entirely of leather with a suede sole, on which there are non-slip patches. Soft slippers for kindergarten guarantee free and natural development of the foot and the work of the toes, so they are perfect for activities on the carpet, as well as for learning to walk. Ideal not only for kindergarten, but also for nursery!
  • Textile children's shoes - are available from the most popular brands of children's shoes SuperFit, Befado or RenBut. The top of the slippers is made of cotton material, which is soft and airy, making it easy to maintain foot hygiene. The sole, on the other hand, is high-quality PVC plastic with ventilation holes, which is flexible and perfect for various activities. This type of children's shoes for kindergarten is distinguished by its low, attractive price and high quality workmanship. No wonder they are the most popular choice, as slippers.

Are you considering buying half shoes for kindergarten? Sports shoes are ideal for outdoor and physical activities, where they perfectly protect the foot from injury, provide adequate cushioning and guarantee freedom of movement. However, due to the reinforced construction, such shoes weigh more than "ordinary" slippers, so they can put undue strain on the foot. Moreover, most products on the market are made of several layers of material. As a result, the foot does not breathe as in airy sandals or fabric shoes. That's why it's advisable to choose half-shoes as outdoor footwear, and to buy one of the aforementioned models for kindergarten.

Remember that footwear for kindergarten should not only meet your requirements, but also please the child. Therefore, you should first select the best models, and then let your kid choose the most attractive one. In this way, completing the layette, and thus the kindergarten adaptation, will certainly be successful!

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